CVD Diamond

Diamond is a wide bandgap semiconductor material with excellent performance and has many advantages

Extremely high thermal conductivity: thermal conductivity 2200W/mK, diamond has the highest thermal conductivity at room temperature ; extremely high dielectric breakdown characteristics: breakdown electric field is 107V/cm, 50 times that of GaAs, 2 times that of GaN, SiC 2.5 times ; extremely high power capacity: the allowable power capacity is more than 2500 times that of Si material; especially suitable for making high-power electronic devices; low dielectric constant: the dielectric constant is 5.7, about 1/2 of GaAs , which is less than half of InP ; high saturation carrier velocity: the saturation carrier velocity is 12.7 times that of GaAs, Si or InP, and maintains a high rate when the electric field strength increases ; high carrier mobility: electron mobility It is 4500c㎡/(V s), which is higher than most materials, and is suitable for making high-frequency electronic devices.

​Main Feature

Wide light transmission range (220nm~50um)

Higher thermal absorption coefficient than other optical materials

Ultra low absorption

Chemical damage and scratch resistance

Shape and size can be customized

low birefringence

Material Properties

Bulk density (g/cm 3 )3.3216
Thermal conductivity (W/(m*K))TC.1200;T.C1500;T.C1800
Thermal diffusivity (cm^2/s)6.6; 8.2; 9.9
Coefficient of thermal expansion (RT-700°C) (10 -6 K -1 )3.1962
Moh's hardness>10
Tensile strength (Mpa)450~1100
Young's modulus (GPa)1000~1100
Dielectric constant (1MHz)5.68
Dielectric loss (1MHz)6.2*10 -8
Volume resistance (25°C, 'Ω cm)2.95*1013
Insulation withstand voltage (V/mA)DC 5.5KV/1.5mA
Infrared absorption coefficient (cm -1 @1.064um)0.3979~0.1871
Fine Polishing - Surface Roughness (Front)Ra<1nm
Surface roughness (back side)Ra<200nm
Flatness PV (fringe@633nm)1.5fringe(Ø25mm)

Single Crystal Diamond Product Parameters

length*width10*10mm can be customized
Length and Width Tolerance±0.05mm
Thickness Tolerance0.1mm
Crystal Orientation (Miscut)±3°
crystallographyUsually 100% single sector {100}
Horizontal dimension measurementto the smaller side
Edge features<0.2mm
edge orientationEdge<100>&<110>
facing towards{110}
edge laser cut
1st and 2nd surface roughnessPolished, Ra<20nm
Thermal expansion coefficient10( -6 )K −1
Thermal conductivity2200 W/(mk)
nitrogen content① Ppb level: 20-50ppm; ② Ppm level: 20-30ppm