Ce :YAG Doped with Cerium Yttrium Aluminum Garnet

Ce:YAG , as a scintillation crystal, has high luminous efficiency and wide light pulse, high light yield ( 15 000Ph/Mev) and fast decay time (78ns) , and its luminous peak (550nm) It can well match with the sensitive detection wavelength of silicon photodiodes, and has high coupling efficiency, and is suitable for use when photodiodes are used as photodetectors and for detecting lightly charged particles. In addition, Ce:YAG Crystals are also widely used as phosphors in cathode ray tubes and can be used in white light LED as a fluorescent conversion material.

​Main Feature

The emission wavelength matches the sensitive detection wavelength of silicon photodiodes, with fast attenuation, no afterglow, no deliquescence, high temperature resistance, stable chemical properties, and can be used in extreme detection environments.

Typical Application

light particle detection

Alpha Particle Detection

gamma ray detection

Electron detection imaging and high-resolution microscopic imaging, etc.

Material Properties

performanceYAG (Ce)
Density (g/cm3)4.55
Irradiation length (90% absorption) (cm)2.61
Decay time (ns) (fast/slow) (intensity ratio)85/300 (72/28)
Luminescence peak wavelength (nm)550
Light output (%NaI:Tl)31
Refractive index1.82
Whether deliquescenceno
Melting point (°C)1970
energy resolution @662KeV 137Cs (%)11.1
effective atomic number35

Product Parameters

Orientation accuracy<0.5°
Chamfer<0.1mm @45°
