Ce:GAGG cerium-doped gadolinium aluminum gallium garnet is a relatively new single crystal scintillator with many properties such as high light yield, high density, good energy resolution, emission peaks well matched to silicon sensors, low Intrinsic Energy Resolution.

Product Description

Ce:GAGG cerium-doped gadolinium aluminum gallium garnet is a relatively new single crystal scintillator with many properties such as high light yield, high density, good energy resolution, emission peaks well matched to silicon sensors, low Intrinsic Energy Resolution.

Main Features

High light output

high energy resolution

high density

no self-radiation

No deliquescence

Typical application:

Computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT), particle accelerators, X-ray and gamma-ray detection, nuclear radiation sensing, industrial security inspection, high-energy physics and other fields .

Material Properties

molecular   formulaCe:Gd 3 Al 2 Ga 3 O   12
density6.63g/ cm3
hardness8 Mohs
melting   point1850°C
atomic   number54.4
growth   methodCzochralski
Thermal   expansion coefficientTBA* 10-6

Product Parameters

Orientation   accuracy<0.5°
Clear   aperture>90%
Chamfer<0.1mm   @45°
