Titanium sapphire (Ti:Al 2 O 3 )

Titanium-doped sapphire (Ti:Al 2 O 3 ) laser crystal is the core material for femtosecond ultrashort pulse laser and petawatt-level high-power laser technology. The crystal has tunable wavelength (660-1200nm) and wide emission bandwidth ( About 600nm), 

Product Description

Titanium-doped sapphire (Ti:Al 2 O 3 ) laser crystal is the core material for femtosecond ultrashort pulse laser and petawatt-level high-power laser technology. The crystal has tunable wavelength (660-1200nm) and wide emission bandwidth ( About 600nm), large emission cross-section, high thermal conductivity, excellent physical and chemical properties, etc., is currently the most widely used tunable laser crystal and the most important working medium for ultra-fast, ultra-intense and high-power 

Main Features

Broad wavelength tunability

Broad absorption pump band

Excellent output efficiency

Short excited state lifetime (3.2 mm)

Narrow clamp width

high damage threshold

Excellent thermal conductivity

Material Properties

Doping concentration0.0 6 -0.5 wt%
Absorption range/absorption peak   position400-600nm / 488nm
Absorption coefficient ( @ 490nm)1.0-7.5cm -1
FOM value100~300
Tuning Range/Emission Peak660-1050nm / 795nm
Refractive index1.76 @ 800nm
Fluorescence lifetime3.2μs (T = 300K)
Crystal structure and unit cell   parametersHexagonal, a=4.748 Å , c=12.957 Å
Thermal conductivity0.105cal/cm/sec/℃
Mohs hardness9 Mohs
Density3.98 g/ cm3

Product Parameters

Diameter size3 ~ 220mm   _
Cutting methodFlat,   Brewster's corner or customized
Wavefront   distortion<λ/4@632nm
Clear   aperture>90%
Surface   quality10/5
CoatingAccording to customer   requirements
