Nd:YVO4 Doped Neodymium Yttrium Vanadate

Nd:YVO 4 neodymium-doped yttrium vanadate crystal is a laser crystal with excellent comprehensive performance for making semiconductor pumped solid-state lasers. 

Product Description

It is widely used in machinery, material processing, spectroscopy, wafer inspection, display, medical testing, laser printing, Data storage and other fields. It has the characteristics of good thermal conductivity, large stimulated emission cross section, high laser damage threshold, absorption bandwidth, and absorption peak at about 808nm. Because of these advantages, small crystals can be used to make smaller laser devices. Another feature of the Nd:YVO 4 crystal is that it is uniaxial, which makes it emit linearly polarized light. Combined with a frequency doubling crystal, an all-solid-state laser with three wavelengths of green, blue, and red can be realized. Now Nd:YVO 4 lasers have been widely used in many fields such as machinery, material processing, spectroscopy, wafer inspection, display, medical detection, laser printing, and data storage. Moreover, Nd:YVO 4 diode-pumped solid-state lasers are rapidly replacing the traditional water-cooled ion lasers and lamp-pumped lasers in the market, especially in terms of miniaturization and single longitudinal mode output. It can be used in laser diode-pumped all-solid-state (DPSS) micro lasers, lidar, and remote sensing satellite products.

Main Features

High absorption coefficient , large stimulated emission cross section , absorption bandwidth , high damage threshold , uniaxial crystal , good physical and optical properties

Material Properties

Crystal structureZircon tetragon, space group D4h-I4/amd
Lattice constanta=b=7.12, c=6.29
Density4.22g/ cm3
Melting point1825
Thermal conductivity / (W m -1 K -1 @ 25°C)5.2
Thermo-optical coefficient (dn/dT)dn o /dT=8.5×10 -6 /K; dn e /dT=2.9×10 -6 /K
Coefficient of thermal expansion/(10 -6 K -1 @ 25°C)a = 4.43, c = 11.4
Hardness (Mohs)4~5

Product Parameters

Doping concentration0.07%~3%, ±0.05%(at%<1%),±0.1%(at%≥1%)
OrientationA-cut/C-cut ±0.5 °
Dimensional tolerance±0.1mm
Flatnessλ/10 @632.8nm
Wavefront distortionλ/10 @632.8nm
Surface finish10/5 MIL-O-13830B
Chamfer<0.1mm @45deg.
Clear aperture>95%
CoatingAR/HR/PR is customized according to customer requirements
Damage threshold7.5J/cm 2 @1064nm, TEM00, 10ns, 10Hz
