Practical value of a high-power laser

Feb. 28, 2024

In the second half of 2023, the 80,000-watt laser cutting machine was launched, further enhancing the advantages of laser cutting in the field of thick plate processing. In the future, will the laser cutting market still introduce higher power? Does the industry really need the power to continue to increase?

Practical value of a high-power laser 



From the application of steel laser power demand, in the actual work, people call the steel plate with a thickness of less than 4mm thin plate, 4-20mm steel plate is called medium plate, 20-60mm steel plate is called thick plate, the steel plate with a thickness of more than 60mm needs to be rolled on the special thick plate mill, so it is called special thick plate. According to Mysteel statistics of China's plate production capacity data: in 2022, China's general plate production accounted for about 45.7% of all the plate, the production of thick plate accounted for about 40.7%, the output of special plate accounted for about 13.6%. China's plate, special plate application is mainly concentrated in construction, machinery, shipbuilding, bridge, boiler, pressure vessel and other industries, especially heavy machinery, steel structure, ship manufacturing. According to Mysteel data: in 2022, in the proportion of downstream terminals, mechanical field accounted for 31.3%, steel structure field accounted for 28.4%, and shipbuilding field accounted for 13.6%. In the past, the vast majority of laser cutting was used for thin and medium plates, and a small amount for thick plates, almost impossible to enter the special plates, so there was a claim that 6kW was enough to cover 90% of the laser cutting requirements on the market. With the arrival of the megawatt era, laser cutting in the field of thick plate cutting ability is constantly strengthened, for the market pattern of thick plate cutting has gradually begun to change.
 Does the market need higher power after 80,000 watts?80,000 watts only achieved obvious advantages in the field of thick plate. Although the company has already made a breakthrough in the field of special plate, the advantages are not obvious, which is not enough to leverage the manufacturers of special plate plate production to fully replace the production line equipment and process. In order to truly promote laser cutting technology into the field of special plate processing, but also need to have more powerful cutting ability and efficiency, only the power of more than 100,000 watts of the fifth cutting equipment can break through the barriers of special plate processing.
 Although the special plate application market only accounts for about 15% of the overall plate market, the technical added value in this field is higher, and the requirements for the overall personnel quality and comprehensive strength of the enterprise will be higher. In the next three to five years, it will become the laser cutting players in the market.


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