
Filters are optical devices used to select the desired wavelength band of radiation. Filters selectively transmit part of the spectrum while denying transmission to the rest. Optical filters are commonly used in microscopy, spectroscopy, chemical analysis, and machine vision.

Product Description

Optical filter products are mainly classified according to spectral band, spectral characteristics, film material, application characteristics, etc. Spectral bands: UV filters, visible filters, infrared filters; spectral characteristics: bandpass filters, cut-off filters , spectroscopic filters, neutral density filters, reflective filters; film Layer material: soft film filter, hard film filter; hard film filter not only refers to the hardness of the film, but more importantly, its laser damage threshold , so it is widely used in laser systems, and the surface soft film filter Chips are mainly used in biochemical analyzers . Band-pass type: The light of the selected wavelength band passes, and the light outside the pass band is cut off. Its optical indicators are mainly center wavelength (CWL) and half bandwidth (FWHM). Divided into narrowband and broadband. Short pass type (also known as low pass): Light shorter than the selected wavelength passes through, and light longer than the wavelength is cut off. Long pass type (also known as high pass): Light longer than the selected wavelength passes through, and light shorter than the wavelength is cut off.

Shanghai Optics provides various types of filters, including narrow-band filters, band-pass filters, long-wave pass filters, short-wave pass filters, infrared filters, dichroic mirrors, beam splitters, Incremental lenses, polarizers, photographic filters, notch filters, neutral density filters, attenuators, colored glass, far-infrared filters, etc.

Product Parameters

materialBK7, K9, quartz, sapphire, silicon, germanium, zinc selenide, calcium fluoride, magnesium fluoride, zinc sulfide, lithium fluoride, barium fluoride, etc.
Size rangeD 1 - D45 0mm
Dimensional tolerance±0.1mm
Thickness Tolerance±0.1mm
surface accuracyλ/4 @633nm
Clear aperture> 90 %
Chamfer0.1-0.5mm @ 45°
appearance standard60-40
coatingAccording to customer customization
