Yttrium Vanadate YVO4

YVO4 Yttrium Vanadate, undoped YVO4 crystal is an excellent birefringent optical crystal, with good light transmittance in the wide range of visible and near infrared, large refractive index value and birefractor index difference.

Product Description

Compared to other important birefringent crystals, the YVO4 Crystal has higher hardness than Ice Continent Stone (CaCO3Single crystal), good machining performance, insoluble in water, and can be artificially grown (it needs to rely on natural resources); YVO4 crystal is easier to grow a large pieces of high quality crystal, than Rutile single crystals (TiO2), the price is much lower than Rutile. These excellent features make the YVO4 Crystal  rapidly become a new type of birefringent optical material, widely used in the photoelectric industry.

In optical fiber communication equipment, it requires a lot of pure YVO4 crystal made of various spectral and polarization components, such as optical isolator, circulator, optical splitter, and grand series polarizer, etc. YVO4 crystal and Rutile crystal combination, also can get the ideal temperature compensation effect, greatly improve the temperature stability of optical communication system.

Characteristic of Materials

Transmission range0.4-5 μ m high penetration
Crystal structureTetragonal system, space group D4h
Lattice constanta=b=7.12Å,c=6.29Å
Moh's hardness5. Approximate glass
HygroscopyNot easy to tide solution
Coefficient of expansion due to heatαa= 4.43×10-6/K;αc= 11.37 ×10-6/K
Thermal conductivity coefficient//C: 5.23 W/m/K; ⊥C: 5.10 W/m/K
Crystal classPositive uniaxial no=na=nb, ne=nc
Thermo-optical coeffecientdna/dT = 8.5×10-6/K;dnc/dT = 3.0×10-6/K
Refractive indexBirefringent index (Δn = ne-no) Discrete angle @ 45° (ρ)no= 1.9929, ne= 2.2154, Δn = 0.2225, ρ= 6.04°@630nmno= 1.9500, ne= 2.1554, Δn = 0.2054, ρ= 5.72°@1300nmno= 1.9447, ne= 2.1486, Δn = 0.2039, ρ= 5.69°@1550nm
Sellmeier Equation (λ in μm)no2= 3.77834 + 0.069736/(λ2- 0.04724) - 0.0108133λ2ne2= 4.59905 + 0.110534/(λ2- 0.04813) - 0.0122676λ2

YVO4 Contrast with other birefringent crystals

Thermal dilation (/℃)c-axle11.4×10-69.2×10-626.3×10-616.7×10-6

Refractive indexno1.9447 @ 1550nm2.454 @ 1530nm1.6346 @ 1497nm2.2151 @ 1440nm

ne2.1486 @ 1550nm2.710 @ 1530nm1.4774 @ 1497nm2.1413 @ 1440nm
Birefractive index (ne-no)0.2039 @ 1550nm0.256 @ 1530nm-0.1572 @ 1497nm-0.0738 @ 1440nm
Moh's hardness56.535
Transmission range0.4-5μm0.4-5μm0.35-2.3μm0.4-5μm

Product Parameter Birefringent wedge angle plate

Aperture1.0×1.0 mm- 4 × 4 mm
External diameter tolerance+/-0.05mm
Wedge angle tolerance+/-0.1°
Light axis orientation accuracy+/-0.5°
Flatnessλ/4 @ 632.8 nm
Reflection reducing coatingR <0.2% @1550 or 1310nm
Regular size1.25mm 1.25mm 0.5mm 13° / 15° wedge angle, phi = 22.5 °


Halo splitter / beam splitter

Dimensional toleranceW (±0.05mm)× H (±0.05mm) × L (±0.1mm)
Optical axis orientation Angle+/-0.5°
Depth of parallelism<15″
Flatnessλ/4 @ 632.8 nm
Reflection reducing coatingR<0.2% @ 1550 nm or 1310nm ± 40 nm
Regular size2.6×2.6×10mm, θ=45°, Φ=0°
